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01 Perforated Object

Reliably detecting perforated objects such as grid boxes or circuit boards.
Ultrasonic sensors
02 Size and Shape

Sensors and systems determine the dimensions and profiles of objects based on their measurement data.
03 Edge Detection

Detecting the leading edge of moving objects.
04 Level and Empty Containers

To ensure that the radar beam can scan the surface of the liquid or material, it is typically positioned above or beside the container where fill level detection is required. The measurement of time delay can be used to determine the fill level or detect an empty container. Depending on the requirements, alarms can be triggered, control devices can be activated, or data can be recorded.
Ultrasonic Sensors
05 Quality Control

Used for measuring the thickness of materials to ensure consistency in the manufacturing process. Surface quality, flatness, or other surface quality issues of products. Detecting defects in materials, such as cracks or bubbles, etc.
Ultrasonic Sensors